Our Services

Explore the diverse modalities we offer, each empowering you with the tools to thrive on your unique journey.

Somatic Therapy & EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

Somatic Therapy

Derived from the understanding that trauma manifests within the physical body, somatic therapy addresses the tangible outcomes of distress such as chronic pain, constrained movement, and unexplained tension. Through techniques like guided visualization and physical exercises, the therapy helps in releasing these stored traumas. In a typical virtual session, expect guided body-awareness exercises, with clients exploring physical sensations and pinpointing areas of tension. Van der Kolk’s research has demonstrated that after undergoing somatic therapy, patients report fewer PTSD symptoms, equipping them better to handle depression and dissociative episodes.

A related approach is the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). EFT blends cognitive restructuring with the stimulation of the body’s meridian points. Virtual sessions generally involve practitioners guiding clients to tap specific meridian points while voicing positive affirmations or addressing specific traumatic memories. Research has demonstrated EFT’s capability to significantly diminish anxiety symptoms and cortisol levels, suggesting it might restructure the brain’s stress-response mechanisms.

Treats: Chronic Pain, Anxiety, Negative Thought Patterns, Behavioral Barriers, Phobias

Gains: Behavior Modification, Enhanced Perception, Improved Communication, Cognitive Reframing, Boosted Confidence


Mindfulness is designed to anchor individuals firmly within the present moment, thus amplifying self-awareness and fortifying emotional regulation. Scientific evidence highlights that practicing mindfulness can introduce changes in the brain’s structure, especially in areas associated with introspection and stress management. Within a typical virtual session, individuals might immerse themselves in guided meditation, focusing on breath, bodily sensations, or sharpening present-moment awareness. Research has unveiled considerable reductions in anxiety symptoms and enhanced brain connectivity related to attention and sensory processing. Further, studies underscore the amplified cognitive flexibility resultant from regular mindfulness practice due to refined decision-making processes, adaptive behaviors and improvements in attentional functions; which play an important role in promoting well-being.


Treats: Anxiety, Emotional Imbalance, Depression, Mental Distraction, Stress
Gains: Present-Moment Awareness, Emotional Regulation, Cognitive Flexibility, Enhanced Focus, Social Connectedness

Hypnosis & NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)

Hypnosis offers a gateway to a deep state of concentration, permitting access to the subconscious. This doorway aids in altering behaviors, perceptions, and sensations. In a typical virtual hypnosis session, practitioners lead clients into a state of relaxation, offering therapeutic suggestions addressing specific concerns or desired behavioral changes. Studies have highlighted that hypnotherapy can lead to significant reductions in pain and anxiety.
Related to hypnosis in its quest to refine personal perceptions is Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). NLP gleans from interpersonal communication and cognitive behavioral principles, prioritizing the enhancement of self-awareness and communication channels. A virtual NLP session might involve comprehending a client’s worldview, harnessing language patterns, and embarking on exercises to transition perceptions or behaviors. 



Treats: Chronic Pain, Anxiety, Negative Thought Patterns, Behavioral Barriers, Phobias

Gains: Behavior Modification, Enhanced Perception, Improved Communication, Cognitive Reframing, Boosted Confidence


Anchored in the mastery of breath regulation, breathwork interacts with the autonomic nervous system, promoting relaxation, stress alleviation, and sharpened mental acuity. In a typical virtual session, individuals are usually navigated through various breathing patterns, with objectives ranging from invigoration to emotional liberation. Research shows that structured breathwork sessions can significantly temper depressive symptoms, attributing this benefit to augmented activity in mood-modulating brain regions. Another compelling study suggests that breathwork can heighten cognitive performance, pointing to its role in enhancing vital brain functions.



Treats: Stress, Emotional Suppression, Physical Discomfort, Anxiety, Depression.

Gains: Emotional Liberation, Physical Relaxation, Mental Clarity, Inner Calm, Cognitive Enhancement