Terms & Policies

PsycheVoyage Terms and Policies

Welcome to PsycheVoyage.  As we connect users to skilled practitioners, it’s essential to understand our terms and policies. These guidelines ensure a smooth, transparent and beneficial experience for everyone.

1. Purpose and Mission: 

Our purpose at PsycheVoyage is to promote healing by building an integrative health community:  bridging practitioners & clients on a unified platform to foster personal and collective growth. Our mission is to provide a transparent, and diverse platform that connects individuals seeking science-backed alternative therapies with experienced practitioners. Increasing accessibility, ease of connection, and more net healing.

2. Off-Platform Booking Policy: 

Booking and transactions between practitioners and users connected through PsycheVoyage must remain on the platform, including initial and future ongoing sessions. Off-platform bookings are strictly prohibited. This policy sustains our platform’s operational needs, from tech upkeep to user support, allowing us to consistently improve and invest in our mission. When you book on PsycheVoyage, you’re directly supporting the mission. Adherence ensures safety, quality, and further growth for all. The 15% we retain from bookings is reinvested into maintaining and improving the platform, marketing to attract more users, and supporting our practitioners.

  • Non-Compliance: We understand and appreciate the close bonds that can form between practitioners and clients. However, any arrangements that involve bypassing our platform for appointments or payments violate our terms of service. Engaging in off-platform bookings risks removal from PsycheVoyage for both practitioners and clients.
  • Benefits of On-Platform Bookings: Using PsycheVoyage for all appointments ensures that practitioners receive timely payments, enjoy the protection of our Terms and Policies, and have access to our customer support. Clients, in turn, have the assurance of secure payments, clear appointment tracking, and the continued support of our platform.
  • Reinforcement of Trust: Ensuring all transactions and interactions occur on-platform reinforces trust in our system. It’s not just about the fee; it’s about upholding a standard of quality, security, and support.
  • Reporting Non-Compliance: If a user is approached regarding off-platform bookings or payments, we urge them to report the incident to our team. This allows us to take appropriate measures and ensures the integrity of our platform. Off-platform bookings bypass this system, undermining the support and features we offer.
3. Account Registration and Management
  • Registering on PsycheVoyage provides access to a curated selection of holistic practitioners.
  • Please ensure that the information provided during registration is accurate.
  • Keep your account details confidential, and notify us if you suspect any unauthorized access.

4. Using Our Platform

  • For a seamless experience, we encourage all interactions and bookings to remain on our platform.
    By doing so, you’re guaranteed quality, security, and continuous support.
    Respectful communication and mutual respect are paramount.
5. Fee Structure
  • A 15% fee from each booking fuels the ongoing improvement and outreach of PsycheVoyage.
  • Practitioners receive their 85% automatically after each session, hassle-free.

6. Cancellation and Refund Policy

  • Life is unpredictable. Our cancellation and refund policies, detailed [here], are designed with fairness and understanding in mind. We ask you to cancel or reschedule sessions at least 48 hours in advance of your scheduled time.

7. Marketing

  • By providing your contact details or agreeing to these terms, you allow PsycheVoyage to contact you for marketing and sales communications. You can opt out of Email or SMS communications at any time by replying “STOP.” Opting out is not a requirement for purchasing our services but might affect your experience.

8. Data Protection

  • Your privacy is our priority. We adhere to the U.S. Data Protection Regulations and commit to keeping your data safe. Detailed information is available in our Privacy Policy [here].

9. Dispute Resolution

  • Should any issues arise, our dedicated support team is on standby to assist and resolve matters amicably.

10. Platform Updates

  • From time to time, we may need to pause services briefly for maintenance or updates. We’ll always strive to inform you in advance.

10. Policy Updates

  • As PsycheVoyage grows, we may update our terms or policies. We’ll ensure you’re informed of any significant changes.

Maximize Your Experience with PsycheVoyage

At PsycheVoyage, we believe in mutual growth. Practitioners can focus on their expertise, helping more people without worrying about administrative tasks. Users gain access to a wide range of skilled practitioners, ensuring more opportunities for healing. This collaborative system leads to more practitioners joining, more users benefiting, and ultimately, more collective healing. There’s no risk for practitioners—just focus on what you love, and we handle the rest. By keeping bookings on our platform, everyone benefits. Find a Practitioner Today.